Supply Chain Planning Blog2022-11-29T15:07:39-05:00

Arkieva Supply Chain Link Blog.

Creating the link between better supply chain planning and decisions.


Optimization and Effective Use of Space – COVID-19 Challenges

For most involved in Supply Chain Management, optimization is viewed as one of the three primary methods to create a supply or central plan that matches or balances assets with demand. Historically effective use of space involved minimizing unused space or maximizing revenue from a fixed amount of space. COVID-19 has upset the social order.

By |June 9th, 2020|COVID-19, Supply Chain Optimization, Supply Planning|

Statistical Forensics – The Danger of Being Data and Not Operations Management Driven

As previously discussed, being only data-driven can be a road to disaster for COVID-19 or supply chain management. To avoid this disaster requires skill sets from operations management (OM). In this blog we demonstrate that the probability a person actually has COVID-19 antibodies depends heavily on other factors besides the “raw data” of the test results.

By |May 27th, 2020|Community Intelligence, COVID-19, Data Science, Models|

COVID-19 & SCM – Importance of Operations Management to Overcome the Limitations of Data-Driven

An often-heard theme in supply chain management (SCM) and COVID-19 is “data-driven” – being data-driven is the path to success. For COVID-19 “science-driven” is often said in the same sentence. For SCM demand or customer-driven replaces “science”. This blog will point out a few examples in the COVID-19 challenge demonstrating COVID-19 is an OM challenge.

Supply Chain Challenges in Turbulent Times – The Importance of Preparedness and Responsiveness

The current COVID-19 situation highlights the supply chain management challenges in any turbulent time.  In this blog we identify five key points: preparedness, larger good, anticipate, and not react to events, responsiveness, and an intelligent stochastic estimate of demand. 

COVID-19 Data Analysis Basics – Taking the Mystery Out of Smoothing Daily Counts

We see graphs of COVID-19 events on a regular basis. One of the most common is a bar chart for daily new events (COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, deaths). Recently in presentations, smoothing methods used to overcome limitations is presenting the raw daily data. This blog will take some of the mystery out of smoothing methods.

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