Part 1: How Natural Language Processing (NLP) Can Benefit the Supply Chain

As more and more individuals utilize supply chain software, there is a need to simplify its usage. The next step in evolution can be Natural Language Processing (NLP) where the user expresses a desire in plain language, and the software translates it to queries in the background. This and other use cases such as the automation and analysis of content have made NLP an area of prominent growth.

Planning with My Favorite Restaurant App

As more and more data becomes available, more and more algorithms are being developed to analyze it. We see this happening in our day-to-day life where apps help us choose where to eat, sleep, dance and repeat. Based on some indicators such as age, friends, preferences and past activities, the new digital tools help plan

By |2019-04-13T23:10:01-04:00June 30th, 2015|General Topics|

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