Part 1: How Natural Language Processing (NLP) Can Benefit the Supply Chain

As more and more individuals utilize supply chain software, there is a need to simplify its usage. The next step in evolution can be Natural Language Processing (NLP) where the user expresses a desire in plain language, and the software translates it to queries in the background. This and other use cases such as the automation and analysis of content have made NLP an area of prominent growth.

Statistical Forensics – The Danger of Being Data and Not Operations Management Driven

As previously discussed, being only data-driven can be a road to disaster for COVID-19 or supply chain management. To avoid this disaster requires skill sets from operations management (OM). In this blog we demonstrate that the probability a person actually has COVID-19 antibodies depends heavily on other factors besides the “raw data” of the test results.

By |2024-02-21T14:11:43-05:00May 27th, 2020|Community Intelligence, COVID-19, Data Science, Models|

COVID-19 & SCM – Importance of Operations Management to Overcome the Limitations of Data-Driven

An often-heard theme in supply chain management (SCM) and COVID-19 is “data-driven” – being data-driven is the path to success. For COVID-19 “science-driven” is often said in the same sentence. For SCM demand or customer-driven replaces “science”. This blog will point out a few examples in the COVID-19 challenge demonstrating COVID-19 is an OM challenge.

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