3 Must-have Inventory Planning Software Features

Every supply chain planner’s goal is to provide the highest degree of customer service while reducing inventory in the supply chain network. High customer service translates to more business for the organization, and low inventory costs mean increased working capital. Supply chain planners may struggle to balance both, but good inventory planning software would help

The Relationship Between Forecast Accuracy and Safety Stocks

A company’s total inventory consists of many types of stock such as strategic, anticipation, safety, cycle, and unplanned. Cycle stock is most connected to the demand forecast; it is expected to be sold as the forecast becomes real demand. Safety stock on the other hand is extra stock to deal with the variability of the demand or supply. As such, it is not always linked to forecasting accuracy.

Using Coefficient of Variation to Drive Safety Stock Related Decisions

In a previous blog post, we discussed how a high or low value of Coefficient of Variation (CV) impacts the first or second term of safety stock. Today we decided to put this to the test using real customer data - here we will discuss our findings.

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