The State of Just-in-time Supply Chains
Prior to Covid-19, a lean, just-in-time global supply chain model was ideal. Fast-forward and you may be wondering - how did the JIT supply chain model fare?
Prior to Covid-19, a lean, just-in-time global supply chain model was ideal. Fast-forward and you may be wondering - how did the JIT supply chain model fare?
Predicting the future is difficult, yet forecasting remains a critical tool for businesses to plan and prepare for what lies ahead.
This blog continues the discussion between Kate and Jane as it relates to the unit of measure as the input demand.
Our latest webinar examines the varying definitions of machine learning and artificial intelligence while discussing how they can be leveraged to improve your statistical forecast.
The adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence is on the rise, but not at the pace of other transformations. Here are a few reasons why.
What is a shorter supply chain and what are the benefits of shortening a lengthy supply chain? This blog discusses this and more.
This blog previews our webinar on effective supply chains and the difference between efficiency and effectiveness.
This blog continues the discussion with Kate and Jane and covers variance and cycle service level.
This blog continues Jane and Kate's discussion on safety stocks through the lens of histograms.
This blog previews a webinar that discusses how to find the best data to drive your integrated business planning processes.