How Forecastable is Your Data?

Having access to an accurate forecast is very beneficial for businesses. If used correctly, it can provide better margins, increase market shares, and many other positive results. At a more tactical level, it can help reduce the costs associated with meeting the customer demand and make the supply chain more efficient.

Using Coefficient of Variation to Drive Safety Stock Related Decisions

In a previous blog post, we discussed how a high or low value of Coefficient of Variation (CV) impacts the first or second term of safety stock. Today we decided to put this to the test using real customer data - here we will discuss our findings.

Do You Use Coefficient Of Variation To Determine Forecastability?

Key Point: Coefficient of Variation is not a perfect measure of forecastability. However, if used properly, it can add value to a business’s forecasting process. In the world of forecasting, one of the key questions to consider is the forecastability of a particular set of data. For example, a salesman might consistently be better at

By |2019-08-28T11:45:34-04:00August 11th, 2015|Demand Planning, Forecasting, General Topics, Supply Chain|

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