How to Adjust Your Planning to Meet Changing Sales Patterns

In an ideal world, demand and supply would be steady and predictable, resulting in optimal capacity utilization and no back orders or missed customer orders. However, in the actual supply chain world variations in actual sales vs. projected sales result in lower forecast accuracy, and either overstocking or stock out situations.

By |2019-04-13T23:09:09-04:00February 26th, 2018|Demand Planning|

Demand Forecasting: The Art and Science That Keeps You Guessing

“It is said that the present is pregnant with the future” – Voltaire Forecasting, therefore, is an attempt to deduce the future from the present. It is both, art and science. We will explore the practice of forecasting demand in the short to medium term. Within the constraints of economic and technology trends, demand forecasting drives the planning process in most businesses.

By |2019-04-13T23:09:27-04:00May 3rd, 2017|Forecasting|

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