Only the Shadow Knows – Identifying the Unobvious with Supply Chain Modeling

While reading a wonderful article titled “Linear Thinking in a Non-Linear World – the obvious choice is often wrong” in the May-June 2017 issue of Harvard Business Review, I was immediately transferred back to the early 1980’s and theme of the IBM Advanced Industrial Engineering department – “only the model knows.”

By |2019-04-13T23:09:23-04:00June 30th, 2017|Supply Chain, Supply Planning, Uncategorized|

Illusion of Capacity and Rabbit in the Hat

One value of supply chain modeling is the ability to explicitly model capacity or constrained resources. Which products get what capacity in what amount at what time? How does this impact on-time delivery? Where do I add capacity? These types of questions are custom made for a “little bit of math” and difficult to do

By |2019-04-13T23:10:03-04:00May 21st, 2015|Supply Planning|

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