RCCP Versus MPS: How Are They Connected? Elixirs and the Wrong Question

A reasonable question supply chain folks often ask themselves is ‘What is the relationship between Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) and Master Production Scheduling (MPS)?’ However, this is the wrong question to ask oneself. This blog will address the transition from AS to central planning as best practices and demonstrate that with a firm’s due diligence they can make the transition successfully. This is critical for what-ifs and effective use of optimization.

By |2021-09-08T11:03:35-04:00September 8th, 2021|Central Planning, RCCP, Supply Planning|

RCCP versus MPS – Can They Be Connected?

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) plans for items that are independent (or direct) demand. Independent Demand is a demand that comes from Sales Orders, Service Orders, or forecasts on end items, i.e., items that we sell to customers. In RCCP, the principle assumption is that family-level assumptions are good approximations for the SKU level detail and the change in the mix will not have a big impact on the capacity projection.

By |2019-10-29T11:36:21-04:00October 2nd, 2019|RCCP, Supply Planning|

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